Friday, August 14, 2009

OK, just about there

I'd worry that I was boring my readers if I actually thought I had any readers, but since I do not suffer from that delusion, I soldier on.

Since I last posted, three "Bigs" have published their pre-season picks, although one of them has inexplicably misplaced 5 of its schools. I am sure they will be found in time for the season, but it is still awfully careless.

Anyhow, the Big 12 has picked Texas, Nebraska and Iowa State as its top 3 teams, followed by Texas A&M, Baylor and Kansas State. I am slightly surprised that TAMU is ahead of Baylor and a little more surprised that KSU has fallen so far out of favor, but they did lose a large chunk of their team (if I may use the term "chunk" without offending). Missouri at #8 is another eye-opener. Maybe.

The Big 10 has Penn State (of course), Minnesota, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Purdue as their top 6, with only the Badgers spot bucking conventional wisdom, if there is actually any conventional wisdom in this field. The other 5 schools are a mystery, but we presume they are practicing, working hard, and will field teams this fall, even if the conference has forgotten all about them.

The Big East, all 15 of 'em, will be led by Louisville, Notre Dame, Cincinnati, South Florida, St. John's and Marquette, or so say the coaches. Is it just me or has the Big East become a little too big? Quiet! I know I have become a little too big. That's not what I meant, wiseass(es).

So do these three polls persuade me to rearrange my own rankings, the one on which I have been so diligently working? I think so. I'm going to drop Kansas State to an Honorable Mention status and elevate the Aggies into the top 30. I will also put Wisconsin back on the radar, although not quite blipping as an HM. Purdue might slide a spot or two, but I'm keeping them above the Badgers. So there.

I have a feeling I won't be seeing anything from the ACC or the SEC this weekend. I'll just have to rely on my own judgment, something that has invariably let me down in the past. Oh, well. I am sure the world will keep spinning.

Meanwhile, time to read more about Nebraska's "fast offense." Nothing excites the VolleyTalkers more than speculation about programs willing to put the pedal to the metal.



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