Tuesday, December 30, 2014

So that was that

It's all over. The confetti has fallen. The trophy has been hefted aloft, hoisted as it were. And the Nittany Felines have won another one.

Yes, that bores me, too. Although I did like the pictures of Salima with Micha.

Concordia did not win their eighth in-a-row. The Gophers did not even make the tournament. Team USA won a gold medal, so there was a payoff, on the macro scale. I have no doubt Earth would kick Jupiter's butt, too.

It's New Year's Eve Eve. 2014 prepares to go the way of 2004, 1994, 1984, 1974, 1964 fercripesakes. Ten years ago, the Gophers fell to The Cardinal in the final. Gorf and Vagabond were there to see it. My family drove from Long Beach to the Grand Canyon, since huge holes in the ground seemed appropriate. We then drove back to LA and flew home, since bitter cold seemed appropriate. Came back on Christmas Eve, come to think of it.

But I digress.

Volleyball is becoming as predictable as Women's basketball. I hope this does not continue, as much as I admire Russ Rose and the PSU program. Variety. That's what we need. So no Texas or Stanford or even Nebraska. We need a new champion.

What are the odds? Something on the order of this happening ...