Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Rules They Are A Changin'

Quoted verbatim from John Kessel's document at

For instance:

1900 -- Dribbling line was eliminated.

1916 -- Second serves were eliminated. Serves that hit the net or any outside object was out of bounds.

1935 -- Deliberate shouting and stomping the feet at an opponent was deemed unsportsmanlike.

1947 -- Only front line players could interchange positions to make a two-person block.

1951 -- Back row spiking was allowed, provided the attacker remained in the back court.

1952 -- The attack line was introduced at 7 feet, 6 inches. Blockers must indicate whether or not they touched the ball (the origin of the “no touch” hand signal).

1966 -- Blocker’s fingers could inadvertently cross the plane of the net if they did not contact the ball or affect play.

1968 -- Attack line moved to 10 feet from the net. Back line spikers could land in front of the spiking line if they left the ground behind it. Blockers could reach across the net, but could not contact the ball until after it had been hit by the attacker. One back line player could block, but at no time could there be more than three players deployed in position to block. Balls must be played above the waist.

1974 -- Antennae were added on the net, one ball’s width outside the sidelines.

1976 -- Blocks no longer counted as the first of a team’s three hits. Double hits were prohibited on any type of dig (rescinding the “hard driven spike” rule).

1984 -- A player could make multiple contacts of a team’s first hit if there was only one attempt and there was no “finger action” on the ball. Blocking or attacking serves became illegal.

1988 -- “Rally point” scoring introduced for deciding games of three or five game matches. 17 point “cap” introduced for all games (i.e. 17-16 wins any game).

1994 -- Prosthetic limbs may be worn if the referee determines the player will gain no artificial advantage.

1996 -- Ball may be contacted with any part of a player’s body.

1999 -- All scoring changed to “rally.” Non-deciding games played to 25 with no cap, deciding games to 15 with no cap. Option to register a Libero on roster allowed.

2001 -- Ball allowed to touch the net while crossing it on the serve.

© copyright 2007 by John Kessel/ USA Volleyball



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