Thursday, September 4, 2008

Blogging the night away

Cincinnati dropped a GAME to Wyoming, so the late night match between the Gophers and the Wahine is an even later late night match.

I am fading fast. Maybe I should go downtown and throw a brick at something? [FBI? That was a joke.] Maybe I should just go to bed?

Let's check out the Live Stats. Woo-hoo! It's being updated for the next match.

I shall return. It's 12:07.


They are singing/have sung the anthem. This is promising.

Live Stats is not functioning. I am not listening to the audio, just following Cindy Luiz's blog.


Such is the life of a volleyball fan. There's no sign of life from their Live Stats program. Somebody forgot to plug something in?


I'm told it's 10-9 Gophers. That's all I know. Except that I'm a fool for following this sport...

Now 15-12 Hawaii.


OK, I'm going to try radio. I have no doubt I am just setting myself up for more disappointment. Let alone the score.


Sure enough. The link does not work.


My laptop will crash next. I will try to connect through the Hawaii website.


22-20 UH and the radio is on. Timeout Gophers?


Gophers lose 25-22. Sounds like they had chances. Got it to 23-22 and had two hitting errors.


9-8 UH with Gophers serving. Doesn't sound good. Yet. Dieter ties it up at 9. Still no Live Stats and now the colors are wrong. 10-9 Gophers. 11-9, Dieter again.


15-13 Gophers at the break. Sounds like a pretty even match with some fairly long rallies. Nothing much from either set of middles? Kvodt in for Luiz? Rotation error?


18-17 Gophers with UH serving. Too nerve racking. Wracking? Dieter blocked for 18 all.

Still no middle attack for the Gophers. Now 19-18 UH. Luiz back in for Vodt. Gib blocked. 20-18. Crud.


Granquist comes in and jumpserves Gophers to a 21-20 lead. First jumpserves of the year? The secret weapon? Another block and 22-20. Another error 23-20. That's why we like Granny. Me and my other personalities.


To 24-20 before another Gib error. What's up with Lauren? Gophers are control blocking Houston a lot. Loooooong rally before another Houston error. Lots of Hawaii errors there from their 20-18 lead.

1-1 in Paradise.


Game 3 underway and Gophers down 0-2. Now 0-3. I was kind of hoping the Gophers would be feeling more comfortable. Looks more like they and Hawaii are at about the same level. #10-20 range. Nothing to complain about.


15-12 UH at the break.

Live Stats does not look like it wants to play this evening. Dead Stats, I guess. 15-13 on a Roehrig kill. Gibby to serve. 16-13. Dieter hits out 17-13. Crud.


Live Stats up just in time for me to watch the Gophers fall behind 22-18 and call a timeout. Hawaii hitting .483 and Minnesota .357 this game.

23-18 on another Gib error. They _really_ need her offense.

Hawaii likes to go 5. We shall see.

25-19 as UH hits .500 with 19 (!) kills. Yikes.


Another bad start. 5-8. Doesn't look good. My bed awaits. Oh me of little faith. Still no middle attack. Just outside hitting rally after rally. 6-8 on a long point. Luiz makes it 7-8. Woo-hah.


Gophers grab the lead and were up 15-13 at the break. But it's now 17 all after an overpass. Game to 8. 3,519 is the attendance.

19-17 on some slime kill off the tape from Luiz and then a UH error. UH timeout. 2-0 in the game to 8. Hey, it's 2:17! You expecting Tolstoy?

And I promised Mr. Kern I'd record this score. Man.

Herring now has 17 kills. 19-18.

20-18 on another Luiz kill.

21-18 on a Luiz-Gibster block.

Tan is serving. Net violation on UH. 22-18.

Herring from the backrow, 22-19.

Gibby whiffs in the middle? 22-20.

Overpass, but Houston has a problem. Net violation. 23-20.

23-21 off the block.

24-21 on Gib tip.

How do you like that, me of little faith?

24-22 on a Cube kill. Then Herring blocks Gib to 24-23. Timeout Gophers.

Dieter was the last server, so it should be Roehrig-Schmidt-Luiz? Not if Gib was blocked. Hmmmm.

Lauren with a kill for 25-23.


So Roehrig must be the L1. That's new, I think. Hartman-Roehrig-Schmidt-Luiz-Dieter-Gibbemeyer.

Game 5. Can we take this to 3am?


Another bad start. 6-2 UH. Timeout.

Me of little faith is whispering in my ear. The bastard.

8-2. This one is over. A missed opportunity of the Gold and Maroon kind.

Live Stats goes blank. 10-3. Not a good showing from a team with questions about their mental toughness. It's now 11-3.

I am going to be a loyal fan and hang in there until that last point is scored. You never know. Well, actually you do sometimes. Most of the time. This one is over. Like a turkey on Thanksgiving Day. Yeh. Like that.

Hartmann-Roehrig-Schmidt not the best rotation for the Gophs. 5-11 nonetheless. 5-12.

Luiz blocked for 13-5.

Gobble gobble ack!

15-7 after a long long rally and ended by a Dieter scud into the twilight.

Close. No cigar or any other tobacco products.

Good night.



Blogger John G said...

Bad luck, (R)uffda! Hawai'i will probably flame out on the mainland in the tournament again.

September 7, 2008 at 6:00 PM  
Blogger (R)uffda! said...

Teams make their own luck. Hawaii just happens to have their own special recipe.

September 8, 2008 at 2:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's the dumbest thing you've said in the last half hour.

September 8, 2008 at 2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like something you got from a fortune cookie.

September 9, 2008 at 11:48 AM  
Blogger (R)uffda! said...


I can't hear you...

September 9, 2008 at 11:48 AM  

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