Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Another day, another update

I’m beginning to have my doubts about (R)uffda!’s process. Do you know what he did last night? He went to see Hancock and then came home and cleaned a little before going to bed. OK, I was shocked about the cleaning part, too, but the point is there was NO ranking being done.

He liked Hancock, but said it was probably a little too intelligent for the average movie-going-dolt. Which is ironic, really, since “average movie-going-dolt” is exactly how I’d describe him -- if I was forced to describe him.

Anyhow, I pushed him a little.

“You want some more teams, doggie?” he finally replied (and, for the record, I hate being called doggie). “Texas and Florida will be top 5. USC and U-dub may be close. I have to think about it. Cal Poly, Nebraska, Long Beach, Cal, UCLA should all be Top-tenish. Maybe. Is Crimes done at LBSU? I forget. Now get the HELL out of my bed!”

There you have it:

1--Penn State
2--Stanford (maybe)
5--USC (maybe)
6--Washington (maybe)
Close--Cal Poly, Nebraska, Long Beach (maybe), Cal, UCLA

I’m off to work on today’s Sudoku.



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