Thursday, May 15, 2008


I’ve been thinking a lot about Time lately, when I haven’t been thinking about poetry, or chasing sticks, or what’s for dinner. Or volleyball, of course. This is, after all, (R)uffda!’s volleyball blog, even if he never blogs here anymore, let alone blogs about volleyball.

Anyhow, I’ve been thinking a lot about Time lately. Did I mention that? You might think a dog has no business thinking about Time. You might even think a dog has no business thinking. Let me just say that I find that a disturbingly anthropocentric mindset, and an insult to dogs everywhere. Except for Chihuahuas, that is. They couldn’t think their way out of a paper sack. Morons.

Some people claim volleyball is time-independent just because there is no clock. Those people are as clueless as a sackful of Chihuahuas. Let me explain.

Let’s say we have the most precise clocks available, synchronized to read the same time. Did you know that if we give (R)uffda! one of these clocks and launch him into space -- what fun! -- by the time he passes Jupiter his clock will read approximately 32 seconds earlier than the one we kept on Earth? It’s true! Except for the exact amount of time. I made that part up. I’m a dog. I don’t do the math.

What does this tell us about Time? About (R)uffda!’s aeronautical skills? About volleyball? Good questions, all.

Here’s some more good questions:

1) Does Time flow?
2) Does it flow in only one direction?
3) Is only the Present real?
4) Is there a “Universal” time?
5) Who does Sean Rooney look like?
6) Has Rally-Score messed up the Space/Time Continuum?
7) Is Time a fourth dimension?

That’s enough for now. I’m a little short on time -- someone just tossed a stick.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, be patient. I'm still chasing a stick.

May 15, 2008 at 12:29 PM  

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