Tuesday, March 18, 2008

10 and under and then some

The middle daughter (pushing 8, hard) had her first 10-and-under rec volleyball match last night and I'm looking for some advice. When I went out on the court to discuss a missed serve with the kid, she seemed a little perturbed. With me. Not as perturbed as the teammate I had hit with the chair I had hurled, but still perturbed.

My question is this: How low should expectations be set at this level? I think they are pretty damned low right now, but it seems the coach (who happens to be the spousal unit), intends to set them even a little lower. The team lost 2 of 3 last night, including a stunning 24-26 loss from a 24-20 lead. The lone win was the superfluous, but mandatory, 3rd game to 15. Big deal, I say.

I think the whip needs to be cracked.

I guess I'm not really looking for advice. I think I figured it out. Never mind.



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