Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The coaching carousel and parting words

Amid the post-season coaching shuffle, Geoff Carlston exits OU and has this to say:

"For nearly six years, I have been blessed to be a part of an incredible community of people in Athens," Carlston said. "To all of those fans who have been there for our team and to the administration that has tirelessly supported our program, I truly thank you. Finally, I want to send my tremendous gratitude to all of the amazing Ohio Volleyball players, past and present, for believing in the program's dreams and teaching me so much along the way."

Classy, right? Whatever happened to good old-fashioned bridge-burning? I offer the following statement for any coach who really wants to go out in style. You're welcome.

“During my tenure at this so-called school, I have often asked myself what I did exactly to deserve ending up in the toilet that is this university. All I can figure is that I must have been Hitler or a tobacco executive in my last life. I can only hope that the administration, fans and players, whose company I have endured all these years, are saddled to a coach who will make their lives as miserable as they have made mine. Or, better yet, worse. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a bus to catch.”


Blogger oudad said...

You're on the money with your comments of Geoff. I don't think you could find a classier guy. As a parent of an OU V-ball player, we really recognize what a great person he was / is. Looking at the names being flashed around on VT, I think we’ll be in good shape for the future, and move up in the rankings. Do you think that OU has what it takes to attract a Theis or Shondell? I am confident that the AD (or assistant AD) will find us a good replacement. What do you think?

I’m relatively new to volley talk and enjoy your humor and incite. Nice blog by the way.

March 3, 2008 at 8:37 PM  

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