Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Coming soon to a blog nearest me!

A preview of the 2008 Big Ten Conference race! Woo-hoo! you say. Woo-hoo! I say. Woo-hoo! we all say!

But, first, a disclaimer.

I am going to attempt an honest assessment of the 2008 teams in the Big Ten. I am not going to be tiptoeing through this minefield for two reasons: First off, what’s the point of the whole enterprise if I’m worried about upsetting Suzy, or, worse yet, Suzy’s parents? And, second off, nobody reads this damned blog anyhow and, if they did, who the hell besides me cares what I think anyhow? To be honest, I’m not even all that interested in what I have to say.

Having said that, I am going to promise to confine my comments to volleyball. In short, I am going to assume Suzy is a lovely kid and a credit to her family. I have no business implying otherwise and if I ever do I should be ashamed of myself.

First up, Minnesota. I can hardly wait.


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