Thursday, November 29, 2007

Chapter One-A. I am a girl!

This is a surprise. Here I spent all of Chapter One thinking I was a boy, writing as if I were a boy, only to find out, in passing mind you, that I am a girl. I didn’t even think to write “Whether I am a boy, or whether I am a girl, the following pages will soon reveal.” Didn’t even enter my little baby mind.

So, what happened was, I was lying there in my dirty diaper, staring at the ceiling, when some loud voices disturbed my reverie.

“A girl!” said a growly voice to my left. “A GIRL!?”

“Yes, dear,” said a lovely voice from somewhere on my right, further away, and weaker. “We did discuss the possibility.”

“A GIRL?!” repeated Growly, obviously not the brightest bear in the woods. “What are we going to do with a girl!?”

“Love her?” suggested Lovely.

“But she can’t play football! They’d break her in two! Snap her like a twig!”

“There are other sports, dear. She could play basketball ...”

“I’d rather have my eyes gouged out!” roared Growly.

“Field hockey?” asked Lovely.

“Just kill me now!”

“Soccer?” tried Lovely.

“That’s not even American! French people play soccer!”

“Volleyball?” offered Lovely, with, I noted, some hesitation.

“Volleyball!? VOLLEYBALL!? OVER MY DEAD BODY!!” exclaimed the big, bad bear as it stomped out of the room. “A GIRL!?”

So. I have decided to play volleyball, whatever that is.


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