Monday, November 5, 2007

Blogversations with (R)uffda! and Friends

(R)uffda!: Greetings, readers. We’re going to try a little something different today, an actual real-time interview. What’s different? Well, I’m sharing the keyboard with my interviewee. We will not be talking to each other, but rather engaging in a blogversation.

That’s not a word.

(R)!: Hold on. I haven’t introduced you yet, so you don’t have the little blogversation dealie before your comments. You’re just going to confuse everyone.

This is stupid.

(R)!: Just wait! I’d like to welcome to the blog the legendary volleyball star and beach player Ashton Davoy.

Ashton Davoy:

(R)!: You need to type something, Ash. Otherwise you just have a blank space after the little blogversation dealie.


(R)!: OK. Ash, you’ve won two Olympic gold medals --

AD: Three. I’ve won three gold medals.

(R)!: You need to let me finish. You can’t just push me aside and start typing when I’m in the middle of a question. Anyhow, you’ve won two Olympic gold medals in volleyball, both in the 1980s.

AD: I also won a gold medal in Beach volleyball, in 1996.

(R)!: Right, but that one doesn’t really count, does it?

AD: What do you mean “it doesn’t count”??!

(R)!: Easy with the punctuation there, Ash. No need to go all multiple q-marks on me. I’m just saying you won that last one wearing a bathing suit. That’s like running the 100-yard dash in snowshoes, isn’t it?

AD: Have you even PLAYED Beach volleyball?

(R)!: A few times. Didn’t care for it much, to tell you the truth. Too much sand in the trunks and it took for ever to get the damned car cleaned up.

AD: It takes a lot of skill to play that game!

(R)!: As does running the 100 in snowshoes. But let’s move on. If you were a tree, would you be deciduous or coniferous?

AD: I’m not a damned tree. I’m a Beach volleyball player and proud of it.

(R)!: I always pictured you as an evergreen type of guy. Mind if I put you down for coniferous?

AD: I’m out of here.

(R)!: A special thanks to Ashton Davoy, former volleyball player, now hanging out on beaches in his swimsuit, looking for a game of beachball.


(R)!: And I'd like to call myself a writer, but I know I'm just blogging here. Anyhow, looks like this morning’s blog has come to an end, since you can’t have a blogversation with only one person. That’d be blogsturbation, I believe. Until next time, this is (R)uffda! wishing you all kills and digs and no sand in your pants.

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