Friday, May 9, 2008


I was hanging out at the local watering hole the other day and the conversation, as usual, turned to volleyball. OK, it was just me and the bartender and I was doing the talking, but that’s besides the point. It was I and the bartender, I mean.

Where was I?

Oh, yeah. Volleyball. He, the bartender, wanted to know what the worst accident was I had ever seen on a volleyball court. I don’t know why it came up. Maybe we were watching “The Wacky World of Sports Injuries” on ESPN2. I forget. I was drinking. I had to think about it for a second or two and by the time I came up with one the guy had slipped out back for a smoke. So I fixed myself up another Mojito and hit on the waitress for a while.

Later, after the waitress steered me back to the booth where my wife was waiting patiently for me, I remembered the bartender’s question. But I promptly forgot it when the wife tossed my Mojito in my face and stomped out of the bar.

Good times.

But now that’s all Mojito under the puente and I’m back home and blogging here, searching my memories for that worst accident. There was that Badger middle blocker who snagged her nose in the net back in the 90s and ripped the thing right off her face. That was not pretty. But the worst? I don’t think so.

It was a stupid question, now that I think about it. What an idiot. I need to find myself a new bar.



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