Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Asketh (R)uffda!

What’s with the dog blogging? I come to (R)uffda!’s blog to read blogs by (R)uffda!, oddly enough. Can’t you keep the mutt off the computer?

First of all, I find it hard to believe anyone comes to this blog to read blogs by yours truly. My guess is anyone who visits here has ended up here by accident. This leads me to believe you are a fictitious poster OR Luke.

Second of all, do not underestimate the powers of dead dogs. I know I won’t. Again.

What’s your take on USAV’s chances in the Olympics?

I have gone on record guaranteeing a medal for the women. You can take that to the bank, as long as it’s not IndyMac.

As for the men, it depends on the Swedes. If they have an off Olympics, who knows?

You do know Sweden did not qualify a volleyball team for the Olympics, right?

Right. Tell me another one.

Which do you prefer, briefs or boxers?

Briefs, because boxers don’t fit under my pants -- and, believe me, I’ve tried. Not even a fly weight works.

What did you think of the new Batman movie?

I couldn’t follow it. But Heath Ledger was cool. He made Jack Nicholson look like Ronald Macdonald.

Didn’t you use that joke over on VolleyTalk?

No, I don’t think so.

Yes, you did. Does it bother you when you start ripping off yourself?

Not as much as being smacked with a stick. Or a shovel. Or a shopping cart. I don’t like being smacked by most anything, to tell you the truth. Even cotton candy would get me all sticky.

Who’s going to win it all this year?

All what?

The volleyball title. You know, the NCAA title.

No clue. Stanford, I guess.


(R)uffda!’s Law. Just when things look like they can’t get any worse The Cardinal will win another volleyball title.


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