Monday, September 22, 2008

Good God! Yet Another Week...

It was not a good week. Not for a Gopher fan. I still like North Carolina blue -- very pretty -- but really. What the hay-ell??

Meanwhile Karma refuses to come a-knockin’ at the Cook household. What’s the guy gotta do? C’mon, Karma! Get your act together!

There was a fierce battle for Upset of the Week. Besides the aforementioned prairie rodents, Wisconsin lost another 5-gamer, this time to Oregon State. Although North Carolina and Oregon State are probably better teams than people realize, these were still bad losses for the Big Ten. Luckily, Utah managed to be swept by the 1-9 (now 2-9) Cowgirls of Wyoming, thus saving the Big Ten from receiving this dubious honor.

If I were to speculate, I’d venture that Karma has managed to misdeliver the packages intended for Nebraska and Utah. What the heck has Utah done to deserve such a fate?

Meanwhile, we breathlessly await the release of the AVCA poll so we have something more to kvetch about. We are breathless because we are hopelessly out of shape, by the way, not because of anything the AVCA poll means to us. And we kvetch because we have just finished reading Portnoy’s Complaint and our vocabulary has taken an unexpected turn. Pardon my chutzpah.

While we wait, what about The Match of the Week? I’m going with UCLA @ USC, with Wisconsin @ Minnesota and Oregon @ California close, but not quite at that level. Once again, we are left to hope that both teams find a way to lose.

Upset of this week? Watch for Ohio State to give the Wolverines more than they can handle. Or for Texas A&M to start playing to their potential and knock off Kansas State. My crystal ball is pretty blurry in regards to any other matches, but I bought the damned thing at K-Mart, so I have no one to blame but myself. And Cook. Just because.

OK, the poll is out. Amazingly, UCLA did not move into the top three, although they came close. Oregon has moved from #12 to #11, however, as the Pac Ten creeps ever closer to Six in the Top Ten again. And Cal Poly is now pushing the bottom of the envelope, falling all the way to #25, a mere 44 points ahead of Santa Clara.

My heart’s not really into this, however. They’ve sucked all the life right out of me. Oy vey!

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Blogger cruncher said...

What's your favorite chapter? Yeah, I knew it.

September 22, 2008 at 5:35 PM  
Blogger (R)uffda! said...

It's a family blog.

September 22, 2008 at 6:43 PM  

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