Saturday, September 26, 2009

Great blog idea

The news is playing in the background, which is a little distracting. Something about someone kicking a blind woman's dog. She was arrested after someone alerted the owner and the building security looked at the surveillance footage. Then something about a 16-year-old girl faking her own kidnapping to extort $500 from her family.

I've decided to stop listening.

The great idea for a blog? Top ten TV cliches from volleyball telecasts! Who cares that I haven't really thought this one through? I'm going for it!

Let's see. We'll put them in order later.

*The aces to error ratio for serving, part of that whole end-of-the-world attitude toward service errors. No one ever mentions that you have to break some eggs to make the hen cry. Is that the right saying?

*There's also that whole "seven times you can never miss" blather about serving. Who owns that again? Pink slip her! Like telling someone they can never miss is ever going to be helpful.

*Someone on VolleyTalk mentioned this one, but I'll use it anyhow: "hitting efficiency is like a batting average" or comparable to it. No it's not. When's the last time someone batted .500?Stop.

*Rotation/overlaps and the libero overhand set prohibition are impossible to explain, so we won't try. No they aren't. Do some prep.

*Volleyball in the Pac Ten is so superior to every other conference's volleyball that we're not sure why they even play it elsewhere. Shut up. Just shut up.

*She needs to drop that hand into the cross court angle blah blah blah. Blocking is sooooo easy.

This isn't working. I should really do some prep myself. In the mean time, I need to go crack some eggs. That hen looks waaaaaaaaaaay too happy.

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