Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rob Patrick's pants

I am a tolerant person. To each his own, I sometimes say. That, and Get the hell out of my way, you dumb lump of blubber. But I have to draw the line somewhere and I'm drawing it here.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bringing things up-to-date

It's been a couple of weeks. What's happened? Do I even remember? Let's see what I can dig up from the hard-pack soil of my memory.

The Gophers did lose in San Diego, to the T-Oreos no less. They were up 2-0. To prove it was no fluke, they repeated the feat in Ann Arbor, to the Wolvoreos. But I don't want to talk about that.

Penn State has lost twice if you can believe that. They lost to Stanford (talk about your cloud-covered silver linings) and then lost to Illinois last weekend, snapping a pair of formidable streaks. Oh, wait. I already told you about the Stanford loss, didn't I?

Texas lost to Texas A&M. That was pretty surprising, and brought out the Elliott bashers. Washington (or U-dub as I like to call them) lost to Oregon (or U-duck as I like to call them). Syracuse finally lost. I know. I didn't care either.

You know what? There hasn't been all that much happening these past two weeks. No wonder I haven't been blogging. I should be writing about some of my dreams. Those have been much more interesting, although John Cook hasn't been in one for a while.

I could waste your time with an AVCA poll analysis (like I've wasted VT posters' time), but I'll spare you. Suffice to say there are six PacTen teams in the top 12 including, inexplicably, UCLA. But who cares, right?

I am once again amazed by the enemies I have made at Volley Talk. There's some people there who really don't like me. Thank gawd I have GSoBB's adoration. I don't need anything else.

I wish I were taking a road trip with you two this season. Even a trip to Iowa City would be nice. Ah, well. Life is loss.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Weekend #3 is history

Hope you weren't waiting breathlessly for my latest blog entry. I suspect you weren't, but who knows what sort of reading material you've been provided. This might be Shakespearean in comparison. Or Pioneer Pressian, at least.

Let's see. What's happened? Lauren Gibbemeyer has broken her wrist, although it's being kept hush-hush. Not sure why. I'm confident that my posting it here will not interfere with that plan.

Stanford, blast-it-all, beat Penn State. It's not like I didn't expect it and it was long past time for the Knitting Lions to lose, but BASTA! and all, you know. This has made The Cardinal the consensus #1, except for two AVCA voters who apparently believe PSU is still #1. Birthers, no doubt.

There's been a ruckus over at VolleyTalk and you, Gorf, are partly to blame. Bill continued being Bill and was joined by a couple of other Bill-esque posters and Odin eventually had to ban them as an alternative to just shutting down the Political Ramblings section. My arch-nemesis took a cheapshot and then went away, as is his wont. Not worth mentioning, really, but too late!

The Gophers are off to San Diego for a tournament. Last time, as Gorf recalls, the ladies (with Berg) ended up losing to the Toreoreoes and 9/11 followed two days later. Yikes. I still remember how weird things were in the airport -- and this was before the 11th.

The youngest wants me to read to her. That's going to have to be it for now.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Rankings 9/6

My take after two weeks. Penn State is probably too high, but we'll know after this weekend.

vagabond, the wife ran into Bobbi P in the women's room at the Pavilion this weekend. She didn't know what had happened. She does now. She was very, very sad to hear it. You'll be happy to hear that the Prepared to Pounce Panthers knocked off our Gophers again.

I may expound on these rankings later today or tomorrow. Thrilled?

1 Illinois 5-0
2 Stanford 5-0
3 Florida 5-0
4 Nebraska 5-1
5 Penn State 6-0
6 USC 6-0
7 Hawaii 5-1
8 Texas 5-1
9 Washington 5-0
10 Minnesota 5-1
11 California 4-0
12 Iowa State 5-1
13 Colorado State 5-1
14 Dayton 5-1
15 Northern Iowa 5-1
16 Arizona 5-1
17 Ohio State 5-1
18 Oregon 4-0
19 Tennessee 6-0
21 Florida State 5-1
22 UCLA 5-1
23 LBSU 5-1
24 Michigan 5-1
25 Kentucky 4-2
25 San Diego 2-3
26 LSU 6-0
27 Missouri 6-0
28 Oklahoma 4-3
29 St. Mary's 5-2
30 Cincinnati 6-1
HM Kansas 7-0
HM Louisville 4-2
