Saturday, December 13, 2008

Hawaii tangles with Stanford

There's not a lot to say about this one. As a recovering Minnesota Vikings fan, I know what it's like to have a team crater on the big field. Hell, I've had more than my share of the experience as a Gopher fan. I have no doubt this was Hawaii on an exceptionally bad night. I feel bad for the team and their fans.

As for Stanford, it bodes well for them that Waller, Okogbaa and Lichtman are all playing well. They will need everyone to play with the Lions. Doesn't change the fact Cassidy should have been a Gopher, but it's still good news for their fan base.

My concern for Stanford is that they will break down when pushed out of system. Maybe I'm wrong. I'm guessing the same is true for Texas. This could be the determining factor in their semi-final: Who puts the other out of system.

That's going to be a great match, if we're lucky.



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