Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Second Rate Blog

Man, that's a load off my mind. All this time I felt like I needed to be putting out a First Rate Blog. Who knew?

I'm sure this will inspire me to mediocrity nowhere near my wildest dreams. I have a feeling I've already started. Right here. Just now.

Meanwhile, in Volleyballville, the DII tournament is coming to a close with Concordia-St. Paul vying for their 4th straight title. Didn't think they'd even get a crack at it. And, on the larger stage, the DI tournament has kicked off, after another Bracket Fracas of epic proportions. This year, the consequences have not been pretty: #15 Hawai'i out after having to play U-Dub in Seattle; #13 LSU out after having to play Tulsa in Oklahoma; #5 UNI out after being made a #5 seed; #11 Tennessee up against Indiana in Bloomington looks like trouble, too.

Oh, and Holly McPeak made Lauren Cook mad. Woo-hoo, I guess.



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