Friday, October 5, 2007

(Arf)da!'s Blog

Luke here. But you can call me (Arf)da! if you want. I plan to start posting over at VolleyTalk under that monica (© Jewel 2000) in the near future. Now that the Big R has taken his keyboard and gone home, I figure that’s what we’ll rename this blog: (Arf)da!’s Dead Dog Volleyball Blog. It’s fetchy. As the poodle down the street used to say, it has a certain je nais sais quoi. At least, she used to say it before she was hit by that Buick. Now she just does a lot of cussing about Buicks.

Since I started blogging here, people have been asking me who’s my favorite team. Personally, I find it rather annoying. I blog because I don’t want anything to do with hobnobbing with riffraff, and now I have these clueless rubes coming up to me and asking me questions like who’s my favorite team and how can I blog if I’m a dog and how can I blog if I’m a dead dog. It makes me want to sink my teeth into their legs, to tell you the truth.

But the fact is I do have some favorite teams. I know most of the dog-haters out there -- I’m talking to YOU, (R)uffdork! -- are going to think I’m so unsophisticated that I’m only pulling for the Bulldogs or Lady Bulldogs (all thirteen of them), the Great Danes, Greyhounds, Wolfpack, or Huskies. The Red Foxes, Terriers, Seawolves, Retrievers, or Wolverines. Not true. Not even the Salukis are automatically granted my undying allegiance. I don’t work that way. You think I only go to movies where Lassie has a role? You think I only read dog-lit? Turn my nose up at anything other than Alpo?

No, what makes the difference for (Arf)da! is whether or not the school has a really cool mascot. Like Wisconsin’s new Blue Bucky. That puts the old Popcorn-Box-Weasel to shame. He was too grumpy, anyhow.

I’ll be back with my take on this weekend’s action after this weekend’s action has concluded. I’d give you my take now, but I should at least pretend I’m paying attention.

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