Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Peeves Last

I’m going to assume my objection to dead dogs blogging is self-explanatory. I mean, really. That may be the next to last thing the world needs, right behind Kelly Murphy committing to Stanford.

So I’ll move along to my last peeve (of the original list -- more are available for download at iPeeves). This one has been nipping at my ankles for several years now, raising welts you would not believe! How do you suppose I could convince a TV network that it would be worth their while to start using some sort of graphic during their telecasts which easily allows the viewer to know which rotation each team is in? It would be even better if they would start showing statistics for those rotations, but I’d settle for the graphic.
I’d also love to see something along those lines with GameTracker. Heck, I think it would be cool for a school to have it at the match itself for the fans to see.

Am I dreaming? I did suggest this to CSTV last year in regards to GameTracker, but I’m still waiting for a response. (I was not the one who suggested having the Hindenburg fly across our screens while we try to watch the stats change.) It is this volleyrube’s opinion that keeping track of the rotations is comparable to pitcher/batter matchups (and their graphics) in baseball -- and that it’s also something to which the majority of volleyball fans are completely Oblivious Newton John.

So if you’re reading out there, oh-powerful-networks, you could be the first network on the block to offer this feature. You could be the one we all call “cutting edge” and “volleyball savvy.” And you could owe it all to (R)uffda! Seriously. I could use the extra cash.

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Blogger Mom and Dad said...

Peeves Last, but not forever, hopefully. :)

October 4, 2007 at 9:00 AM  

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